1: 1. Magnesium boosts metabolism. 2. It regulates blood sugar levels. 3. Helps reduce stress and anxiety.

2: 4. Improves sleep quality. 5. Supports muscle function. 6. Aids in energy production.

3: 7. Reduces inflammation in the body. 8. Enhances exercise performance. 9. Helps with insulin sensitivity.

4: 10. Regulates neurotransmitters. 11. Supports healthy bone density. 12. Reduces food cravings.

5: 13. Increases fat breakdown. 14. Balances electrolytes. 15. Boosts mood and mental health.

6: 16. Supports thyroid function. 17. Improves digestion. 18. Reduces water retention.

7: 19. Enhances nutrient absorption. 20. Reduces migraines and headaches. 21. Supports cardiovascular health.

8: 22. Boosts immune system. 23. Aids in detoxification. 24. Regulates cholesterol levels.

9: 25. Supports healthy skin. 26. Reduces PMS symptoms. 27. Helps in weight loss journey.